Pensar y reflexionar para cambiar
Attending the City Lab event in Paris, France, last month, proved to be a very interesting and inspiring exercise improving the value of our work in Mexico City. The field trips resulted in a great learning experience, full of fun facts and talk with the attendees. All this exercise has given me added experiences that I will be able to use for the benefit of the citizens of my country.
Just as interesting were the various conferences that were held during the event. All the talks about energy, technology and social themes and how they are involved with Smart Cities initiatives also gave me an impressive amount of insight into the experiences from other parts of the world and from the leading experts in the subject matter. As I expected, the contents of the conferences will help me make better decisions and projects within my job functions. The conferences by themselves are a very useful guide for us, as they express very concisely their findings, supported by a clear methodology and an evident high level of knowledge of what is expected from a Smart Cities initiative. The examples of so many other examples of these initiatives around the world also gave us a morale boost, knowing that we are on the right track and moving along a new worldwide trend in city development.
The absolutely marvelous mix of conferences with different themes and field trips made the event quite fluid, interesting at all times and kept me concentrated on the objectives of my assistance, giving me a great amount of information at all times and the opportunity to learn and talk with many subject matter experts in one spot.
Talking with the different participants and exchanging points of view, real life experiences and ideas was also highly appreciated. The fact that Mexico is forming part of such an important trend and has been represented by myself in an event organized by such a world-renowned institution, fills me with pride and gives me a great impulse to keep on moving forward with all of this newly obtained experience.
Simón Levy Dabbah
Chief Executive Officer ProCDMX
30 enero, 2020
30 enero, 2020
30 enero, 2020
30 enero, 2020